SINCOBESP is a union affiliated to FIESP (Federation of São Paulo State Industries in Brazil) and has been for ten years the most important supporter of fair rendering in Brazil, FENAGRA – National Fair of rendering plants. This fair brings together the entire supply chain, industry and users. At the same time organizes the Brazilian Rendering Congress, debate the relevant issues and connected to the segment, with the participation of national and international leading experts. Concurrently with the Fenagra and Rendering Congress also occurs a Pet Food Congress, promoted by the Brazilian College of Animal Nutrition – CBNA, in which are discussed specific issues of pet nutrition.
This year presentations were realized by Dr. Renata Castanho, communicating responsibilities deserved to the state sectorial board for slaughterhouses and rendering industries (CETESB); Dr. Leandro Vicielli and Andre Geraldes, talking about sustainability of rendering industry; Eng. João Baptista Galvão Filho, lecturing pollution and air odor/control; Dr. Claudio Bellaver speaking on composting as an alternative for rotten material from animal industry.
A technical panel was achieved to discuss Rendering Improvement for Quality Meal with participation of the research government agency – Embrapa; the Brazilian association for animal protein – ABPA; the Brazilian union for feed mill – Sindirações; the Brazilian association for pet industry – ABINPET; the Brazilian union for collectors and processor of animal by-products – Sincobesp, with Moderation by Dr. Claudio Bellaver from Sincobesp/ProEmbrapa.
For 2016 edition, Fenagra is already being scheduled and will be realized on 13 and 14 of April in Campinas city in Sao Paulo State (