ABRA symposium at the International Trade Fair for the Production and Processing of Animal Protein FIPPPA By Lucas Cypriano   10:15 – 11:00h – Sustainability and their pillars Gilson Spanemberg – Apex – Brasil He explained the concept of sustainability in a broad sense, showing the meaning to have the economical + social + environmental benefits…


OIE World Assembly 2015 by Stephen Woodgate, WRO President On behalf of WRO I attended the 83rd OIE meeting in Paris, France from 26-28 May 2015. The first highlight was the election of a new Director General by the national delegates representing the Member Countries of the OIE, by secret vote in accordance with the rule…


President of the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission, Alex Thiermann introduced reports from the two working groups; Animal production & food safety and Animal welfare. The OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Code commission) met in February 2015 and during this meeting they also met with the OIE Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (SCAD) to…

Innovations to Increase Productivity from Organic Compounds

Claudio Bellaver1 In developing agricultural countries, chemical fertilizer is highly necessary to replenish the nutrients removed by the increasing grain crops, pasture, vegetables and forest commodities. The expansion of planting areas and new technologies encourage increased demand for fertilizers and enable greater productivity and profitability of crops. At the same time, most strategic scenarios do…


SINCOBESP is a union affiliated to FIESP (Federation of São Paulo State Industries in Brazil) and has been for ten years the most important supporter of fair rendering in Brazil, FENAGRA – National Fair of rendering plants. This fair brings together the entire supply chain, industry and users. At the same time organizes the Brazilian…

LEAP 2015

On 23 of April 2015 the second Annual Meeting of the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership took place. FAO’s Animal Production and Health Division in collaboration with stakeholders from the private sector, FAO member countries and non-governmental organizations presented the first results of their three-year multi-stakeholder initiative, that has been launched in 2012.…